Nobody wants to be murdered.
Nobody wants lies to be spread about him.
Nobody wants his home or country ravaged.
Nobody wants to be exiled.
Every normal person wants long life.
Every normal person prefers his personal errors to be hidden.
Every normal person wants his home and country safe from harm.
Every normal person wants to remain in his home and country.
Does any normal person believe that victims should suffer
and perpetrators of evil receive reward?
Does any normal person want liars to be believed?
Does any normal person want to be ruled by barbarous murderers?
Does any normal person want to be exploited by the power crazy?
Does any normal person believe that real strength of character
lies in physical power?
Where do normal values reside?
Who holds the key to peace?
Who holds the reins over conquest and vanquished?
Who decides who will grieve and who will rejoice?
Who decides when and how and for how long who will live
and when and how who will die?
Who decides WHY?
Was so complex a universe created without a plan for it to function and be maintained?
Was everything apparently good and apparently bad created just for destruction?
Was the complexity of the human brain created to be disregarded or misused?
Without learning is it possible to gain wisdom?
Can learning distorted truth lead to anything other than distorted understanding?
Has anyone noticed how history unfolds exactly according to the predictions of the Torah?
Has anyone noticed how even unpleasant truth is not hidden or distorted in the Torah?
Has anyone noticed how G-d's decrees in the Torah are in accordance with human behaviour?
Has anyone noticed how these decrees apply to us even now?
Are we hoping for extinction or redemption?
How long will we resist the truth???????