Life is so amazingly complex,
No wonder it will always perplex!
Under Hashem's guiding Hand,
We can only begin to understand,
Something of what it holds,
As it unfolds:
The infant's world is his mother's breasts,
And peacefully he rests.
But the more he begins to perceive,
The more does he grieve;
Frustration and temptation
Increase as he struggles for better ambulation.
Each thing he sees, he tries to clasp,
As if by so doing, he may grasp
Its essence,
But its presence
Is elusive
And not at all conclusive!
As he approaches adolescence
And fights against acquiescence
To parental wisdom and advice,
He begins to think twice
About all they taught,
Suspecting it amounted to nought
Against his superior conclusions;
Their ideas to him now intrusions
On his ability
To flex his mental aptitude
To mold his own personal attitude.
At twenty he is sure he knows all he needs to know,
Determined that now he can go
Through the rest of life with certainty and clarity;
Until he marries and sees how the disparity
Between his ideas and hers increase,
And now struggles to maintain peace.
And when his own children come into the world,
He is hurled
Again into doubt,
Wondering, once more, what life is all about!
All through life we err and repeat mistakes
Until we discover what it takes
To correct our approach.
But whatever our reproach,
We cannot always change the result –
However, we can at least exult
In our quest
To do our best!
And in the end,
The effort we expend,
Will bring reward -
Regardless of how well we scored;
And however much we tried each day
To go according to Hashem's way,
Will determine
How much
Hashem will bless
Us with success.
8/15/2016 B'SD 5776