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Chava's Art World

By Rebbetzin Chava Tucazinsky


Updated: Jul 8, 2024

"Does G-d exist?" You cry -

And if He does,

why, why why?

Do you question His existence

With such persistence

Because you see and feel evil

and suffering,

and sigh?

Why can we not see Him, feel Him near?

Why does Hashem plague us with many a tear?

Why does He let evil into the world?

Why have we been hurled

Amongst all the nations?

Why does He not fulfil our expectations?

Why does Hashem

make so many commandments for us to heed?

Why does Hashem

not grant us

what we think

we need?

Can we see



tranquility or fear?

Do we allow our hearts

to acknowledge

that Hashem

is always near?

Do we honour Him,

or do we rebel and jeer or sneer?

Do we give Him joy in the way we behave?

Do we stop to think about what we crave?

If there were no evil

and only good,

Would we have a choice

in doing what we should?

Do we, often enough,

open the Torah

Hashem gave us,

to see that

What He promised us,

would be


in accordance with

Our doing

as He says,

or instead rebel?

Why do you think

Hashem made

both Heaven and Hell?

What do we expect?

That Hashem should obey

what we demand,

When we pay no attention

to His command?

If we had no obligations,

should there be

no merit too?

Do we know better than Hashem

what we should have or do?

Do we have gratitude

for the wonders of Hashem's creation?

For life, for beauty, attributes, inspiration?

That there is air to breathe, water and vegetation?

When instead of doing better

we keep doing worse,

Should there be blessing or curse?

Examples of results for all kinds of mistakes

Abound in His teachings,

and all it takes

To find answers to all our queries

Is to learn deeply, sincerely,

from the series

Of examples in our past,

Presented in all of the Torah,

from first to last.

How exalted we were,

when we kept our vow,

To do and to hear!

Is it still a wonder that now,

Resisting to keep this vow,

Fall, tear, after tear, after tear?

All Hashem asks of us,

in His Torah,

is to follow His ways,

and so gain merit

for life

with length of days

And if we,

Hashem's chosen nation,

thank Him enough;

If we give Hashem due praise,

We will find our way

out of the maze

Of sorrows,

and instead be blessed

In this life,

and for life everlasting,

after we come to rest.




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