(Inspired by an explanation I heard
from HaGaon HaRav Nissan Ahron Tucazinsky zt'zl)
From a word in the Gemorrah a strange thought begins
"Fortunate are the people whose leader sins!"
The heart fills the head with confusion and fear:
But read on – the explanation is near;
All becomes clear:
As the responsibility and work increase, you may well infer
That as the burden grows, the more he can err –
And so sin is more likely to occur.
A leader who does nothing at all
Will never do something that might appal.
But of what use will his kind of leadership be?
Will his people attain any degree
Of success,
Or progress –
Or will they only regress?
But a leader who sins through the weight of his load,
Will strain to achieve a better road.
He will also lead his people to refine their ways,
And to strive with him through the tortuous maze
Of life, to improve,
As they all move
Earnestly on an upward trend
Until life's end.
Thus they will all earn a better life
In this world,
And in the eternal world,
Beyond this world
Of strife.